537+ Epic Ping Pong Team Names (Catchy, Unique & Funny)

Ping pong is a fun and exciting game that requires skill, agility, and precision. Whether you’re playing for fun or competing in a tournament, having a great team name idea can add a sense of camaraderie and competitiveness to the game.

With so many possibilities, it can be tough to come up with the perfect name for your ping pong team. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of over 537 ping pong team names and name ideas to help you get started.

To make it easier to find the perfect name for your team, we’ve grouped the names into categories. Each category represents a different theme or style, so you can choose a name that best reflects your team’s personality.

Best Ping Pong Team Names (Our Top Picks)

Choosing a team name can be a fun and creative process that can reflect your team’s personality and strategy. After extensive research, we have compiled a list of our top picks for the best ping pong team names.

  1. Paddle Masters
  2. Spin Wizards
  3. Net Ninjas
  4. Table Titans
  5. Ball Bouncers
  6. Smash Squad
  7. Ace Avengers
  8. Power Paddlers
  9. Rally Rangers
  10. Drop Shot Dynamos
  11. Serve Surgeons
  12. Backspin Brigade
  13. Forehand Frenzy
  14. Chop Chop Champions
  15. Topspin Tribe
  16. Lob Legends
  17. Spin Doctors
  18. Pong Pros
  19. Rapid Racketeers
  20. Stroke Stars
  21. Ping Pong Patriots
  22. Net Navigators
  23. Block Busters
  24. Slice Syndicate
  25. Ball Blitzers
  26. Flip Flop Flyers
  27. Smash Stunners
  28. Table Tennis Titans
  29. Paddle Pushers
  30. Spin Cycle Masters

Classic Names for a Ping Pong Team

  1. Paddle Masters
  2. Spin Doctors
  3. Table Titans
  4. Smash Brothers
  5. Ping Pong Panthers
  6. Racketeers
  7. Ball Bouncers
  8. Net Ninjas
  9. Topspin Tribe
  10. Backhand Bandits
  11. Drop Shot Dynamos
  12. Serve Savants
  13. Loop Legends
  14. Forehand Frenzy
  15. Power Pongers
  16. Spin Kings
  17. Victory Volleys
  18. Rally Royals
  19. Ace Avengers
  20. Chop Chop Champs
  21. Spin City Squad
  22. Speedy Spins
  23. Net Masters
  24. Smash Squad
  25. Table Tennis Titans
  26. Ball Blitzers
  27. Racket Raiders
  28. Spin Wizards
  29. Paddle Pros
  30. Ping Pong Powerhouse

Funny Name Ideas for Ping Pong Teams

  1. The Paddlewackers
  2. Spin Doctors
  3. Ball Bouncers
  4. Smash Brothers
  5. Net Navigators
  6. Ping Pong Pandemonium
  7. Table Titans
  8. Racketeers
  9. Ball Busters
  10. Pong Pals
  11. Rally Rebels
  12. Ace Avengers
  13. The Lob Mob
  14. Topspin Tribe
  15. Serve Savages
  16. Backhand Bandits
  17. Chop Chop Crew
  18. The Pong Panthers
  19. Drop Shot Dynamos
  20. Smash Squad
  21. Spin Kings
  22. Paddle Prodigies
  23. The Ping Pong Posse
  24. The Power Pingers
  25. Backspin Brigade
  26. The Topspin Tornadoes
  27. Table Tennis Terrors
  28. Net Ninjas
  29. The Smash Spinners
  30. The Ball Bouncin’ Buffoons

Creative Table Tennis Team Names

  1. The Ping Pong Picasso
  2. The Spin Sultans
  3. Racket Rascals
  4. Table Tango Team
  5. Paddle Pranksters
  6. The Backspin Ballers
  7. Net Navigators
  8. Serve Swaggers
  9. The Racket Rebels
  10. The Paddle Pushers
  11. Topspin Troublemakers
  12. The Lobster Squad
  13. The Rally Rangers
  14. Ping Pong Pioneers
  15. The Spin Symphony
  16. Racket Renegades
  17. The Smash Sorcerers
  18. The Backhand Brigade
  19. Table Tennis Tacticians
  20. The Drop Shot Dandies
  21. The Spin Surgeons
  22. Paddle Paladins
  23. The Serve Samurai
  24. The Lob Legends
  25. The Chop Chop Champions
  26. The Net Nincompoops
  27. Paddle Powerhouses
  28. The Topspin Titans
  29. The Spin Squad
  30. The Ping Pong Protégés

Unique Ping Pong Group Names

When it comes to choosing a unique team name for your ping pong team, it’s important to select one that stands out and reflects the personality of your team. We have compiled a list of 30 unique team names that will elevate your game and make your team memorable.

  1. The Paddle Pushers
  2. The Spin Doctors
  3. The Table Titans
  4. The Ping Pong Pandas
  5. The Ball Busters
  6. The Net Ninjas
  7. The Ping Pong Powerhouse
  8. The Racket Racers
  9. The Paddle Pros
  10. The Smash Squad
  11. The Ping Pong Pirates
  12. The Serve Strikers
  13. The Ping Pong Wizards
  14. The Ping Pong Posse
  15. The Topspin Tornadoes
  16. The Backspin Bandits
  17. The Lob Lovers
  18. The Drop Shot Demons
  19. The Chop Champions
  20. The Slice Squad
  21. The Forehand Fanatics
  22. The Backhand Band
  23. The Serve Savants
  24. The Rally Rascals
  25. The Block Brigade
  26. The Smash Stars
  27. The Spin Slingers
  28. The Power Players
  29. The Speedy Spinners
  30. The Table Tennis Titans

These unique team names will not only make your team stand out but also intimidate your opponents. Choose a name that resonates with your team’s personality and strategy on the ping pong table. Have fun and enjoy your games!

Creative Table Tennis Team Naming Ideas

When it comes to choosing a name for your ping pong team, creativity is key. A unique and catchy name can make your team stand out and add an extra layer of fun to your games. Here are some creative team name ideas to inspire you:

  1. Spin Doctors
  2. The Pong Pals
  3. Table Titans
  4. The Ball Busters
  5. The Ping Pong Posse
  6. The Net Ninjas
  7. The Racketeers
  8. The Spin Masters
  9. The Table Toppers
  10. The Ping Pong Powerhouses
  11. The Backspin Bandits
  12. The Ace Attackers
  13. The Topspin Titans
  14. The Ping Pong Pandas
  15. The Lob Lovers
  16. The Drop Shot Demons
  17. The Serve Savants
  18. The Net Navigators
  19. The Ping Pong Pros
  20. The Smash Squad
  21. The Spin Slingers
  22. The Table Tennis Titans
  23. The Ball Bouncers
  24. The Ping Pong Panthers
  25. The Racket Raiders
  26. The Ping Pong Pirates
  27. The Table Tennis Tornadoes
  28. The Ping Pong Patriots
  29. The Backhand Bandits
  30. The Ace Aces

These are just a few examples of creative team names that you can use for your ping pong team. Remember, the key is to choose a name that reflects your team’s personality and playing style. Don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with it!

Classic Ping Pong Team Names

When it comes to ping pong team names, classic names never go out of style. These names are timeless and have been used by teams for years. Here are 30 classic ping pong team names that we recommend:

  1. The Paddle Masters
  2. The Spin Doctors
  3. The Table Titans
  4. The Ping Pong Ninjas
  5. The Ball Busters
  6. The Net Nincompoops
  7. The Racket Rangers
  8. The Serve Slayers
  9. The Backhand Bandits
  10. The Topspin Tornadoes
  11. The Pong Pals
  12. The Smash Squad
  13. The Ping Pong Pandas
  14. The Drop Shot Demons
  15. The Lob Lovers
  16. The Chop Champs
  17. The Spin Sultans
  18. The Power Pongers
  19. The Net Navigators
  20. The Ping Pong Pros
  21. The Backspin Bandits
  22. The Topspin Titans
  23. The Racket Raiders
  24. The Serve Superstars
  25. The Lob Legends
  26. The Backspin Blasters
  27. The Net Navigators
  28. The Topspin Tornadoes
  29. The Ace Avengers
  30. The Rapid Racketeers

These classic names are sure to make your team stand out on the ping pong table. Whether you’re playing in a casual game or a competitive tournament, these names are perfect for any level of play.

Powerful Ping Pong Team Name Ideas

When it comes to ping pong team names, a powerful and memorable name can make all the difference in the game. Here are some of the best powerful team names that will help you dominate the ping pong arena:

  1. Paddle Pals
  2. Spin Masters
  3. The Ping Pong Posse
  4. The Smash Squad
  5. Table Tennis Titans
  6. Ball Busters
  7. The Ping Pong Pros
  8. The Racket Racers
  9. The Ping Pong Pandas
  10. The Spin Doctors
  11. The Pong Pioneers
  12. The Table Tennis Tornadoes
  13. The Serve Superstars
  14. The Lob Legends
  15. Backspin Blasters
  16. Net Navigators
  17. The Topspin Tornadoes
  18. The Ace Avengers
  19. Rapid Racketeers
  20. The Ping Pong Predators
  21. The Ping Pong Panthers
  22. The Ping Pong Powerhouses
  23. The Ping Pong Warriors
  24. The Ping Pong Mavericks
  25. The Ping Pong Titans
  26. The Ping Pong Sharks
  27. The Ping Pong Eagles
  28. The Ping Pong Falcons
  29. The Ping Pong Hawks
  30. The Ping Pong Lions

These powerful team names are designed to inspire confidence and intimidate your opponents. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, a powerful team name is essential to your success in the game. So, choose a name that suits your team’s personality and strategy on the ping pong table and dominate the game like a pro.

Badass Names for a Ping Pong Team

When it comes to ping pong team names, sometimes you want something that exudes strength, power, and intimidation. That’s where badass team names come in! Here are 30 of our favorite badass ping pong team names:

  1. The Smash Specialists
  2. The Spin Doctors
  3. The Net Neutralizers
  4. The Paddle Masters
  5. The Table Titans
  6. The Backhand Bandits
  7. The Topspin Tornadoes
  8. The Ace Avengers
  9. The Drop Shot Demons
  10. The Lob Lovers
  11. The Racket Rangers
  12. The Serve Slayers
  13. The Ping Pong Pandas
  14. The Rapid Racketeers
  15. The Ball Busters
  16. The Loop Legends
  17. The Ping Pong Ninjas
  18. The Rally Royals
  19. The Net Navigators
  20. The Lob Legends
  21. The Backspin Blasters
  22. The Smash Squad
  23. The Ping Pong Powerhouses
  24. The Topspin Titans
  25. The Spin Slingers
  26. The Table Terrors
  27. The Serve Superstars
  28. The Ping Pong Patriots
  29. The Racket Renegades
  30. The Drop Shot Dynamos

These names are sure to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents and let them know that you mean business on the ping pong table. Use them to show off your strength and power, and dominate your opponents with your skills and strategy.

Remember, a badass team name is only the beginning. You’ll need to back it up with your skills and teamwork, so make sure you’re practicing hard and working together to achieve your goals. With the right name and the right attitude, you can take your ping pong game to the next level and become a force to be reckoned with on the table.

Funny Names for Ping Pong Teams

When it comes to ping pong team naming ideas, humor is always appreciated. A funny team name can help lighten the mood and make the game more enjoyable for everyone involved. Here are some of our favorite funny ping pong team names:

  1. The Paddle Pals
  2. The Spin Doctors
  3. The Table Tennis Titans
  4. The Ping Pong Pandas
  5. The Ball Busters
  6. The Racket Rascals
  7. The Net Ninjas
  8. The Ping Pong Pirates
  9. The Serve Masters
  10. The Pong Pong Posse
  11. The Backspin Brigade
  12. The Table Terrors
  13. The Ping Pong Punks
  14. The Ball Bouncers
  15. The Ping Pong Party Animals
  16. The Smash Squad
  17. The Ping Pong Players
  18. The Spin Sisters
  19. The Ping Pong Pandemonium
  20. The Ball Blasters
  21. The Pong Pong Powerhouses
  22. The Ping Pong Penguins
  23. The Net Navigators
  24. The Ping Pong Prodigies
  25. The Ball Bashers
  26. The Pong Pong Panthers
  27. The Ping Pong Patriots
  28. The Table Titans
  29. The Ping Pong Party People
  30. The Spin Doctors of Spin

These are just a few examples of the many funny tennis table team names out there. When choosing a team name, don’t be afraid to get creative and come up with something that’s unique and memorable.

Clever & Witty Tennis Table Group Names

When it comes to naming a tennis table team, a clever and witty name can add an extra level of fun and excitement to the game. We’ve compiled a list of 30 clever and witty team names to help inspire you.

  1. The Paddle Pushers
  2. The Table Tappers
  3. The Spin Doctors
  4. The Ping Pong Pandas
  5. The Ball Busters
  6. The Smash Squad
  7. The Net Ninjas
  8. The Ping Pong Pros
  9. The Racket Racers
  10. The Ping Pong Pirates
  11. The Table Tennis Tornadoes
  12. The Serve Samurais
  13. The Pong Pals
  14. The Ping Pong Powerhouses
  15. The Backspin Bandits
  16. The Ping Pong Wizards
  17. The Topspin Titans
  18. The Ping Pong Playboys
  19. The Spin Warriors
  20. The Ping Pong Panthers
  21. The Racket Renegades
  22. The Table Tennis Titans
  23. The Ping Pong Patriots
  24. The Paddle Popstars
  25. The Ping Pong Pinballers
  26. The Racket Rockstars
  27. The Table Tennis Troopers
  28. The Ping Pong Paladins
  29. The Paddle Pushers
  30. The Ping Pong Pioneers

These names are sure to make your team stand out and add a bit of humor to your game. Whether you choose a pun or a pop culture reference, a clever and witty team name is a great way to show off your team’s personality and sense of humor.

Cool Ping Pong Team Names

When it comes to naming your ping pong team, choosing a cool and trendy name can help you stand out from the crowd. We’ve compiled a list of 30 cool and trendy ping pong team names that are sure to impress your opponents and make your team look great.

  1. The Paddle Pushers
  2. The Spin Doctors
  3. The Table Titans
  4. The Ping Pong Pandas
  5. The Ball Busters
  6. The Net Ninjas
  7. The Ping Pong Powerhouse
  8. The Racket Racers
  9. The Paddle Pros
  10. The Smash Squad
  11. The Ping Pong Pirates
  12. The Serve Strikers
  13. The Ace Avengers
  14. The Topspin Tornadoes
  15. The Lob Legends
  16. The Backspin Blasters
  17. The Net Navigators
  18. The Rapid Racketeers
  19. The Ping Pong Wizards
  20. The Table Tennis Titans
  21. The Ping Pong Posse
  22. The Ball Bashers
  23. The Paddle Pushers
  24. The Spin Masters
  25. The Table Toppers
  26. The Ping Pong Pros
  27. The Racket Renegades
  28. The Ping Pong Patriots
  29. The Table Tennis Terrors
  30. The Ping Pong Panthers

These cool and trendy ping pong team names are perfect for those who want to make a statement on the table. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, these names are sure to inspire your team and intimidate your opponents.

So why not choose a name that reflects your team’s personality and style? With these ping pong team names, you’re sure to find the perfect one for your team.

Cute Names for a Ping Pong Team

When it comes to choosing a team name for your ping pong team, you might want to go for something cute and playful. A cute team name can help create a fun and lighthearted atmosphere that can help your team bond and perform better on the table.

Here are 30 cute team name ideas for your ping pong team:

  1. The Pong Pals
  2. The Spin Masters
  3. The Table Titans
  4. The Ping Pong Pandas
  5. The Ball Busters
  6. The Net Ninjas
  7. The Ping Pong Powerhouse
  8. The Racket Racers
  9. The Paddle Pros
  10. The Smash Squad
  11. The Ping Pong Pirates
  12. The Serve Strikers
  13. The Ping Pong Wizards
  14. The Backspin Blasters
  15. The Lob Legends
  16. The Net Navigators
  17. The Topspin Tornadoes
  18. The Ace Avengers
  19. The Rapid Racketeers
  20. The Paddle Pushers
  21. The Ping Pong Posse
  22. The Table Tennis Titans
  23. The Ping Pong Paladins
  24. The Spin Doctors
  25. The Ping Pong Panthers
  26. The Ball Bouncers
  27. The Net Nincompoops
  28. The Ping Pong Pandemonium
  29. The Racket Renegades
  30. The Paddle Pals

These cute team names are just a few examples of the many possibilities out there. You can use them as inspiration to come up with your own unique and playful team name that reflects your team’s personality and style. Remember to keep it fun and lighthearted, and your team will be sure to have a blast on the table.

Catchy Naming Ideas for Ping Pong Teams

When it comes to creating a ping pong team, having a catchy and memorable team name can be a great way to stand out and show off your team’s personality. Here are some of our favorite catchy team names that are sure to make your opponents take notice:

  1. Paddle Pals
  2. Spin Masters
  3. The Ping Pong Posse
  4. The Smash Squad
  5. Table Tennis Titans
  6. Ball Busters
  7. The Ping Pong Pros
  8. The Racket Racers
  9. The Ping Pong Pandas
  10. The Spin Doctors
  11. The Pong Pioneers
  12. The Table Tennis Tornadoes
  13. The Ping Pong Wizards
  14. The Net Ninjas
  15. The Ping Pong Pirates
  16. The Backspin Bandits
  17. The Ace Avengers
  18. The Topspin Titans
  19. The Lob Legends
  20. The Serve Superstars
  21. The Rapid Racketeers
  22. The Net Navigators
  23. The Backhand Bandits
  24. The Forehand Frenzy
  25. The Drop Shot Demons
  26. The Power Pongers
  27. The Ping Pong Panthers
  28. The Slice Squad
  29. The Ping Pong Panthers
  30. The Ping Pong Paladins

These team names are designed to echo the spirit of competition and camaraderie at the heart of the game. Choose a name that resonates with your team’s personality and strategy on the ping pong table. Have fun and enjoy your games!

Dirty Tennis Table Team Names

When it comes to choosing a team name, some players prefer to go for something a bit more risqué. While we don’t condone inappropriate or offensive language, we understand that some teams want to have a bit of fun with their name. Here are some ideas for dirty team names:

  1. Balls Deep
  2. The Shafters
  3. The Ball Busters
  4. The Paddle Whackers
  5. The Table Humpers
  6. The Ping Pong Panties
  7. The Net Flickers
  8. The Racket Spankers
  9. The Spin Masters
  10. The Ping Pong Pornstars
  11. The Dirty Dinks
  12. The Ball Slappers
  13. The Paddle Pimps
  14. The Table Tappers
  15. The Ping Pong Playboys
  16. The Net Nudgers
  17. The Racket Rascals
  18. The Spin Doctors
  19. The Ping Pong Pervs
  20. The Dirty Drop Shots
  21. The Ball Bouncers
  22. The Paddle Pounders
  23. The Table Twerkers
  24. The Ping Pong Pimps
  25. The Net Nymphos
  26. The Racket Rippers
  27. The Spin Sinners
  28. The Ping Pong Perverts
  29. The Dirty Deuces
  30. The Ball Bangers
  31. The Paddle Players

Remember, while it’s okay to have a bit of fun with your team name, it’s important to keep it appropriate and respectful to other players and teams.

Ping Pong Female Team Names

When it comes to ping pong team names, it’s important to have a name that reflects the team’s personality and style. For female ping pong teams, there are plenty of options that are both fun and empowering. Here are some of our favorite female group names:

  1. The Ping Pong Queens
  2. The Net Ninjas
  3. The Spin Sisters
  4. The Paddle Princesses
  5. The Power Pongers
  6. The Ping Pong Panthers
  7. The Table Titans
  8. The Racket Racers
  9. The Ball Busters
  10. The Serve Strikers
  11. The Smash Squad
  12. The Ping Pong Pirates
  13. The Ping Pong Powerhouse
  14. The Ping Pong Pandas
  15. The Pong Pals
  16. The Loop Legends
  17. The Rally Royals
  18. The Spin Doctors
  19. The Smash Kings
  20. The Topspin Titans
  21. The Backspin Bandits
  22. The Chop Champs
  23. The Drop Shot Divas
  24. The Fierce Forehands
  25. The Killer Kicks
  26. The Lob Ladies
  27. The Slice Sisters
  28. The Swerve Queens
  29. The Volley Vixens
  30. The Wrist Wizards

These female ping pong team names are perfect for teams that want to show off their skills and have fun while doing it. Whether you’re a serious team looking to intimidate your opponents or a casual group of friends looking for a lighthearted name, there’s a female team name on this list that’s perfect for you.

Ping Pong Male Team Names

When it comes to ping pong, having a great team name can help boost morale and build camaraderie among teammates. If you’re looking for a name for your male ping pong team, we’ve got you covered. Here are 30 male team names that are sure to impress:

  1. The Paddle Pushers
  2. The Spin Doctors
  3. The Ping Pong Pals
  4. The Racketeers
  5. The Table Tennis Titans
  6. The Ball Busters
  7. The Ping Pong Pros
  8. The Smash Squad
  9. The Ping Pong Pandas
  10. The Ping Pong Warriors
  11. The Table Tennis Tornadoes
  12. The Backspin Blasters
  13. The Topspin Terrors
  14. The Ace Avengers
  15. The Lob Legends
  16. The Net Navigators
  17. The Rapid Racketeers
  18. The Ping Pong Pirates
  19. The Table Tennis Terminators
  20. The Ping Pong Powerhouses
  21. The Ping Pong Patriots
  22. The Ping Pong Panthers
  23. The Ping Pong Phoenixes
  24. The Ping Pong Predators
  25. The Ping Pong Pythons
  26. The Ping Pong Panthers
  27. The Ping Pong Phoenixes
  28. The Ping Pong Predators
  29. The Ping Pong Pythons
  30. The Ping Pong Panthers

These male team names are great for adding a bit of personality and flair to your ping pong games. Whether you’re playing for fun or in a competitive league, having a solid team name can help you stand out from the crowd.

Ping Pong Unisex Team Names

When it comes to choosing a team name, it’s important to choose one that is inclusive and suitable for both genders. Here are some unisex ping pong team names that are sure to inspire your team to victory:

  1. Ace of Spades
  2. Backhand Bandits
  3. Ball Busters
  4. Chop Suey
  5. Drop Shot Divas
  6. Fast and Furious
  7. Game, Set, Match
  8. Grand Slam
  9. Hit and Run
  10. Lobsters
  11. Net Force
  12. Ping Pong Wizards
  13. Racketeers
  14. Serve-ivors
  15. Smash Squad
  16. Spin Doctors
  17. Table Titans
  18. The Aces
  19. The Backspinners
  20. The Block Party
  21. The Choppers
  22. The Deuce Club
  23. The Drop Shots
  24. The Faults
  25. The Ping Pong Posse
  26. The Ping Pong Pros
  27. The Ping Pongers
  28. The Racket Racers
  29. The Spinners
  30. The Topspinners

These names are perfect for any team, regardless of gender. They are catchy, memorable, and sure to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents. Choose a name that reflects your team’s style and strategy, and watch as you dominate the ping pong arena.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Ping Ping Team Name

Choosing the perfect team name can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can be a fun and creative process. We have compiled a list of tips to help you choose the perfect team name for your ping pong team.

1. Consider Your Team’s Personality

When choosing a team name, it’s essential to consider your team’s personality. Are you a group of serious players who want a name that reflects your dedication to the sport? Or are you a group of friends who want a fun and lighthearted name? Consider your team’s personality and choose a name that reflects it.

2. Brainstorm with Your Team

Brainstorming with your team is an excellent way to come up with creative and unique team names. Encourage creativity and have everyone contribute their ideas. You can also use a team name generator to help spark ideas.

3. Make It Memorable

A memorable team name is essential for building team spirit and creating a sense of identity. Choose a name that is easy to remember and has a ring to it. Avoid names that are too long or complicated.

4. Use Humor

Using humor in your team name can make it more memorable and fun. Consider puns, wordplay, and inside jokes that reflect your team’s personality and sense of humor.

5. Choose a Name That Resonates

Ultimately, the perfect team name is one that resonates with your team. Choose a name that reflects your team’s strategy, personality, and goals on the ping pong table. Make sure everyone on the team is happy with the name and feels proud to represent it.

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to choosing the perfect team name for your ping pong team.

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I’m HASSANE SGH. I love coming up with cool team names for all kinds of groups. From sports teams to school clubs, my blog is packed with fun and easy ideas to make your team stand out. Dive in and get inspired!

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