Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy

Mediavine Inc. complies with the European Union legislation on cookies and informs website visitors that their preferences will be stored on their computer in a tiny file called a ‘cookie’. Cookies are small pieces of data that allow websites to remember visitors’ actions or preferences over time. Users can delete cookies that are already on their computer and set their browsers to prevent them from being placed. However, this may affect some website functionalities and services.

Mediavine uses cookies to identify returning users, count their visits, remember their display preferences, suggest recent searches, and track their consent to cookies. Enabling cookies is not necessary for the website to work, but it provides a better browsing experience. The cookie-related information is not used to identify visitors personally, and the pattern data is under Mediavine’s control.

Third-Party Advertising

Mediavine may have third-party advertising companies serving ads to website visitors. These companies may store information about visitors’ visits to Mediavine’s website and other websites to provide them with relevant advertisements about goods and services. They use cookies and other identifiers to gather information that measures advertising effectiveness. The information is generally not personally identifiable unless visitors provide personally identifiable information through an ad or an email message.

Information Gathered by Third-Party Advertisers

Cookies enable advertisers to learn about the ads visitors see, click, and other actions they take on Mediavine’s site and other sites. This allows advertisers to provide visitors with more useful and relevant ads. Third-party cookies may provide them with information about visitors’ identity, demographic information, and web usage patterns from offline and online sources to provide them with more relevant and useful advertising. Visitors can learn more about limiting the gathering of information by third-party ad networks by consulting the website of the Network Advertising Initiative.

Type and Purpose of Collection

Mediavine collects non-personal information to examine traffic and view how customers use the website. Upon accessing the website, certain non-personal information will be automatically collected without visitors’ knowledge or consent, such as their IP address, location data, and the referring website. This type of information will not allow visitors to be personally identified. Mediavine uses cookies, which contains only certain statistical information. Visitors can instruct their computer to inform them whenever a cookie is being sent, or they can disallow cookies through their web browser.

Sharing Information

Mediavine will not sell, rent, or disclose to outside parties the information it collects, save and except that it may share the collected information with affiliated service providers, analytic or marketing services, or third parties where required by law. Mediavine shares non-personal information and aggregated information with third parties, including but not limited to advertising or marketing purposes. No personal information will be shared in this manner. In connection with any merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisition, or in any other situation where personal information may be disclosed or transferred as one of its business assets, Mediavine may share collected information.

Choices and How To Opt Out Of Interest-Based Advertising

Visitors can opt-out of interest-based advertising services by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative website or the Digital Advertising Alliance website. Mediavine adheres to the NAI Codes of Conduct and the Digital Advertising Alliance Self-Regulatory Principles. As described above, Mediavine may use or transfer device data that it directly collects or that it receives from its customers, who may use cookies or other tracking technologies, to provide interest-based advertising services.